I've Arrived!

Hello Everyone! I've made it to Arusha, Tanzania! And, so far, so good. I have travelers insurance, I'm remembering to take my Malaria medication and I've survived through about 30 hours of transit!

API Folk Dancing Class

Since I am writing 2 different blogs about my study abroad experience (and trying not to repeat posts) you'll find that a lot of what I post on this blog is related to program-sponsored events and my thoughts and reactions to the experiences I'm having while studying abroad, while my personal/school blog tends to deal more with non-program sponsored events and other miscellaneous posts.

API Cooking Class

Last week we had our 2nd cooking class sponsored by Academic Programs International (API), the program I am studying abroad with in Buenos Aires. During our first cooking class we learned how to make empanadas and a traditional Argentine cake (whose name I can't recall at the moment) at our resident director Carmen's house. This time we met at API's office and learned to make Milanesa, Humita, and Alfajores.

Day Trip to Colonia, Uruguay

Yesterday we took our first program-sponsored trip to Colonia, Uruguay. It started with us catching a boat (called a buquebus) from the port in Buenos Aires (in Puerto Madero) which would take us across the Rio de la Plata to Colonia, Uruguay. While most of the boats take about 3 hours to make the crossing, API had reserved the faster boat for us so that we would have more time to explore Colonia.