Whether you are traveling, studying or working abroad, one thing can be said for them all: it is incredibly exciting. Experiencing a new culture, learning a language, meeting people from every corner of the globe, eating delicious food, it is all exhilarating.
Traveling, living and studying abroad can be an incredibly exciting and fulfilling experience. Sometimes, it is so fun we forget that we are guests in the countries we are studying. And while we might be having the experience of a lifetime as we laugh, gawk, and take pictures of all the interesting things around us, for the local people it is just another day, and often, another tough day. This is why cultural awareness may prove to be very valuable.
China is one of the largest nations in the world, so it makes sense that there’s plenty of exciting things to do and see. Whether you study, volunteer, intern or teach abroad in China, you could have the adventure of a lifetime. Below are just a few of the many exciting places you could visit when you go abroad to China.
Need to call home from your study abroad? Here's a list of all the international phone codes.
In this article, Lauren recalls a time when she broke the law while studying abroad in Melbourne, Australia.
It always seems like as soon as you begin to get comfortable living abroad, it is time for your program to end and for you to go back home. It may be hard to say goodbye to study abroad, but Shannon has some great tips for making your last moments special - and for staying in touch once you're home.
Thinking about language immersion programs? This article covers 5 tips for thriving in language programs abroad.
Preparing for a summer study abroad program? This article provides some tips for making the most of your summer abroad.
Heading off on a summer study abroad program? Here are 10 tips to help you make the most of your summer abroad.
The following article describes some of the issues members of the LGBTQIA community may encounter while studying abroad and makes recommendations of ways to engage in safe and more comfortable travel.