Program Details

UCL is a world-leading university. Our academic specialisms cover most subjects, from the arts and social sciences to engineering and physical sciences, and our innovative focus on interdisciplinary study to examine global issues sets us apart. Our academ
London, United Kingdom
Program Type:
Study Abroad
Degree Level:

Program Overview

Program Description:
The Summer School runs in July and August and is divided into two blocks, each spanning three weeks. Students may choose to attend for either block, or both, selecting one module per block. With a wide range of modules on offer from many of our academic departments, you can choose the subject best suited to your academic or personal interests. Outside of the classroom, we offer dedicated accommodation for Summer School students within walking distance of the campus, and a varied programme of social events to help you make the most of your time in the capital.

UCL is a world-leading university. Our academic specialisms cover most subjects, from the arts and social sciences to engineering and physical sciences, and our innovative focus on interdisciplinary study to examine global issues sets us apart. Our academic excellence, and location in one of the world’s most dynamic capital cities, give you unrivalled personal, social and academic benefits which will enhance any CV or résumé.

UCL academics teach each module with the support of guest speakers and field trips throughout the capital. Students will have the opportunity to learn in an international environment, with full access to the UCL Campus and its facilities. Students receive an academic transcript following assessment at the end of each module. This credit may be transferrable- students must check procedures at their home institution.
Setting Description:
UCL is located in central London, in the historic Bloomsbury district. Steeped in Academia, Bloomsbury is not only home to many of the capital's academic institutions, but it is also renowned for being home to many celebrated writers over the years, such as Virginia Woolf and John Maynard Keynes. A short walk from the UCL Campus will bring you to Camden, Angel, Covent Garden and Soho, four of the city's most dynamic areas. Surrounded by five zone 1 tube stations and many more buses, the university is a perfect base for students who wish to make the most of their time in London.
Tuition Block One or Two : £1,750 Block One and Two: £3,000 Tuition and Accommodation Block One or Two : £2,650 Block One and Two: £4,800