If you are considering teaching abroad, teaching English in Italy might be the ideal fit for your goals. Whether you’re drawn to teach in Italy by Venetian canals, the architecture of Milan, or the romance of Tuscany, the demand for English teachers and teaching jobs in Italy is high. International teachers who choose to teach English in Italy may experience working in an international environment and living the Italian lifestyle while developing their professional skills in teaching English.

Teaching in Italy may provide an excellent opportunity to enhance relevant international business skills and experience Italian lifestyles and culture firsthand. The bulk of teaching positions in Italy are found in private language institutes or international schools, and many have flexible start dates. Some international schools in Italy have begun to offer full curriculum prepared in English to increase satisfaction with the ESL curriculum in Italian schools.

Benefits of teaching English abroad in Italy

Italy is one of the favorite choices for English teachers who want to travel, live, and work in Europe. Whether you are excited to navigate the stradas of Rome or spend a school holiday wine tasting, living in Italy offers no shortage of cultural possibilities. Regardless of age, the students you may teach are usually very excited when a foreigner takes an interest in their culture. Many may happily offer tips about activities to try, places to see, and local foods to eat. Young students may explain about local slang and pop culture, and simple discussions may provide insight into their customs and lifestyles.

You may also be with other co-workers who speak English and who may be enthusiastic about practicing their English communication skills with you. You may make new friends with colleagues who might be able to help you travel throughout the regions and provide familiarity with local customs. Because many English teaching jobs are found by word of mouth and by meeting other English teachers, you may receive advice about new destinations or jobs from people who have been teaching in Italy for some time.

Teaching English in Italy

Many teaching jobs in Italy require a bachelor's degree and a TEFL/TESOL certificate or comparable CELTA certification.[i] For individuals without related experience or an undergraduate degree, there may be more informal occasions to teach English in Italy, such as teaching English lessons to homestays in exchange for accommodations.

If you are searching for a job teaching English abroad in Italy, there may be a variety of places to find one. English has become an added skill that sets many Italians apart from other candidates when applying for jobs in the competitive Italian job market. Teachers in Italy may find work at the beginning of September or October, and then again in January. Many contracts end in late June, and for individuals who want to teach during the summer, opportunities at summer English language camps may be available.

Essential skills for teaching English abroad

Communicating beyond cultural limitations, applying leadership skills to teach classes, and learning a new language, even if it is only conversationally, may help expand your outlook for future careers. Jobs for teaching English abroad may be designed to provide individuals with the opportunity to develop self-confidence and cultivate a deeper understanding of Italian business and economic roles in the European Union. This may be a once in a lifetime chance and a unique opportunity to experience life abroad and truly immerse yourself in a different culture, where you may be an integral and valued member of the local society. What better way to practice cross-cultural interactions than by teaching English abroad in Italy? Feel free to visit our Resources section if you need more help exploring jobs teaching English in Italy.