Program Details

Our program at UGA is comprised of graduate students, faculty, staff, scientists, and post-doctoral fellows from several departments within the University as well as the local U.S. EPA and t

Athens, United States
Program Type:
Full Degree
Degree Level:

Program Overview

Program Description:

Our goal is to provide strong interdisciplinary graduate training, research and service programs in toxicology. This is accomplished by encouraging cooperation and sharing of resources and faculty in different colleges, such as Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Pharmacy, Public Health, Warnell School of Forestry, Franklin College and Veterinary Medicine. A coordinating committee from among these colleges directs the program.

The University of Georgia offers the Master of Scienceand Doctor of Philosophydegrees in toxicology.  The program of study for Master of Science degrees must contain a minimum of 30 hours of graduate course work. The program of study for a Doctor of Philosophy must carry a minimum of 30 hours of course work. Each successful applicant must identify a Major Advisor from one of the seven colleges.

Our research areas include:


· Analysis of heavy metals in tissues collected from wildlife refuges.

· Uptake and toxicity of environmental contaminants in waterfowl.

· Heavy metal interaction with DNA in fresh water mussels.

· Investigation of biomarkers of environmental contamination in aquatic species.

· Characterization of toxicological properties of agriculturally important naturally occurring toxins.

· Environmental Risk Assessment

· Aquatic Toxicology

· Nanotoxicology



· Mechanisms of Aflatoxin immunotoxicity.

· Development of transgenic technology for toxicologic assessments.

· Pathways/mechanisms of xenobiotic uptake/ elimination.

· CNS of ingestive behaviors related to toxins.

· Disease mechanisms associated with consumption of mycotoxin-contaminated foods.

· Dietary fat intake and carcinogen-induced cancer.

· Biochemical / physiological effects of agents on mammalian gametes and embryos.

· Neurotoxicology

· Food Safety and Exposure Assessment

· Genotoxicology


Please call the office or email for additional information.


Program Description (Short): Character Limit 230 characters including spaces*

Our program at UGA is comprised of graduate students, faculty, staff, scientists, and post-doctoral fellows from several departments within the University as well as the local U.S. EPA and the USDA laboratories. The program is committed to a high quality graduate education and excellence in research.

Additional Program Information

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Financial Aid:
Applicants should have ranked in the upper half of their undergraduate class and should have completed the equivalent of an undergraduate major in the field in which they propose to study. Application for admission to the Graduate School may be filed in