Because it was built from scratch and designed by a Spanish city designer, Puebla demonstrates unique Spanish colonial architecture and was able to clearly express the new mestizo culture that was developing when it was founded. The city gained one of its nicknames, City of Angels (Angelopolis), due to the legend that founder Bishop Julian Garcés was told where to build the city by angels. Today, the historic architecture is still well preserved in a 100-block area in the center of the city known as El Centro Histórico, and within that area there is a smaller square of a few blocks known as El Zócalo, which has an even greater concentration of famous buildings.

Due to its unique and well preserved architecture, Puebla became an UNESCO World Heritage City in 1987 and as the UNESCO website states, “The new aesthetic concepts resulting from the fusion of European and American styles were adopted locally and are peculiar to the Baroque district of Puebla.” Some of the most notable structures in Puebla include its cathedral that demonstrates Herreresque-Renaissance and early baroque style, the Iglesia de Santa Domingo, which demonstrates the baroque style with its gilded plaster, carved stone, and the profusion of angels and cherubs adorning everything, and within it the Capilla del Rosario (Rosary Chapel) with its onyx stonework.

  • Universidad de las Americas - Puebla