Program Details

Physics at Uppsala University stretches from the smallest to the largest, with high-quality research in all fields of physics.
Uppsala, Sweden
Program Type:
Full Degree
Degree Level:

Program Overview

Program Description:
The Master Programme in Physics is developed in close coordination with research groups at Uppsala University. The tutors are active researchers and the courses are strongly linked to the frontline of physics research. Master students learn the implications of discovering new 1knowledge and performing research and scientific development projects. During the programme’s first three terms, the student may choose from a range of advanced physics courses, thus providing a specialization in one field of physics. You may also choose courses from other physics fields in order to create an individual profile for your Master Degree. The programme is concluded with a degree project during one term, where the student works with an individual research project in cooperation with a research group at a university or in industry or a public authority. The open structure of the programme provides the student with considerable freedom of choice and many opportunities to broaden scope and specialize in their own particular interests. Physics, general orientation Physics, general orientation covers the major part of the fields of physics. The student may either make a free choice from the large range of physics courses, or follow one of five specific profiles: –Materials Physics – You learn experimental and theoretical methods to study, understand and develop new materials. Examples of courses in these specializations include solid state theory, magnetism, physics at surfaces and interfaces, as well as advanced courses within atomic, molecular, and solid state physics. –Energy Physics – You learn about current and future energy production, through combustion, fission and fusion. Electromagnetic field theory and fluid mechanics are basic courses that you will attend to enable you to contribute to securing future energy requirements. –Nuclear and Particle Physics – How should the standard model be supplemented? Learn about the methods used to test the standard model in large-scale experiments. Prominent examples with links to Uppsala include the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (CERN – Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire) or the neutrinotelescope Icecube in Antarctica. –Theoretical Physics – Quantum fields and strings – Take part in front-line research and develop the standard model with observed quarks and hypothetical strings. –Physics Didactics – General knowledge of physics is combined with the understanding of how teaching and learning function in physics. Examples of courses include About Learning and Teaching, Models of Learning, and Qualitative Research Methods. Astronomy and Space Physics Astronomy and Space Physics study both near-space and the entire universe with the help of satellites, observations and various theoretical tools. Examples of courses are Space Physics, Physics of the Planetary System, Galaxies, and Astronomical Instrumentation. Geophysics study the Earth through methods such as gravimetric analysis, magnetometry, GPS measurements, seismology and electromagnetic measurements. Geophysics In geophysics, you study planet Earth using gravimetry, magnetometry, GPS, seismology and electromagnetic measurements. Meteorology Meteorology applies knowledge of physics to study the atmosphere and to understand how the weather and climate originate. You will learn about the atmosphere through a combination of theory and observations. This specialization contains theoretical courses and an atmospheric physics course, as well as more applied courses such as climate variations, and finally a practical meteorology course for future meteorologist-forecasters.

Additional Program Information

The Master's degree awarded by Uppsala University is recognized worldwide.