Why Study in Aix en Provence, France?
If you’re looking to take your education experience off the beaten path, choosing to study in Aix-en-Provence, France could be a perfect choice for you. While the picturesque city may not be the first French city you think of, its sprawling streets could present the same learning opportunities as Paris. Of course, it also offers a unique cultural experience that may be left unexplored in the capital city: you could miss out on regional cuisine, historical sites, and not to mention the distinct culture!
Studying abroad in Aix-en-Provence could seem intimidating at first – there’s so much to see and do, not including study! Below is a three step plan to help you balance learning with fun!
Step One: Study Abroad Programs in Aix-en-Provence
When you begin your search for a study abroad program in Aix-en-Provence, you may find yourself constantly asking: “I am really studying abroad in Paris?” Aix-en-Provence is often mistaken for the capital city due to its rich culture and bustling business – and many similar study abroad program opportunities! Those studying liberal arts, fine arts, language, history, and business especially may find a program that is up their alley because of the city’s constant engagement with those subjects.
You don’t speak French, you say? Not an issue. Many programs offered are bilingual and you could choose whether to take your courses in French or English. If you have zero French skills, you could also take language courses offered by your program. What better way to practice a language than immersing yourself in its country of origin?
Step Two: Aix-en-Provence in a Nutshell
What is Aix-en-Provence? For starters, many of its locals simply call the city “Aix.” The city is located in the South of France, just north of Marseille. Due to its location, it enjoys a Mediterranean climate (unlike the rest of France). Its mild winters and dry summers could be perfect for the student that is ready to get out and explore their new home.
Students could have an especially easy time stepping into the culture of France during a study abroad program in Aix-en-Provence because of the city’s makeup: out of the 146,000 people living in Aix, 40,000 of them are students. You shouldn’t have trouble finding peers! With so many students – especially international ones – many locals and businesses speak both English and French. This could make transitioning into city life easier as you’re not thrown too far outside your comfort zone.
Despite (or perhaps because of) its international population, Aix wears its culture on its sleeve and displays it as often as possible. In fact, it was part of the Marseille-Provence 2013 celebration, a cultural festival held in the Provence region to celebrate the European Capital of Culture. Even though that festival has concluded, Aix-en-Provence offers yearly cultural festivals like the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence and the Musique dans la Rue. Be sure to check them out!
Step Three: Outside the Classroom
With many locals speaking both English and French, it could be easy to get out an explore Aix-en-Provence when you study abroad. If you’re in need of a study break, grab your new peers and delve into what this city has to offer:
- This cultural capital has its share of museums. The Musée Granet has some very notable works to view and is a great place to start! Among its 12,000 pieces are nestled some famous gems, including works from Cézanne and Picasso.
- Speaking of Cézanne, he was actually an Aix-en-Provence native. You might consider visiting his studio, the Atelier Cézanne. His studio has been left untouched, so you could get a glimpse into how the artist went about his work.
Of course, this isn’t everything to do in Aix (that would be a much longer article!), but a good place to get started on your adventure. Be sure to ask peers, professors, or just passer-by what their favorite sight is – and then visit it!
Find a Study Abroad Program in Aix-en-Provence, France
Studying abroad in Aix-en-Provence could be a great way to earn potentially valuable credit towards your degree while tapping into a city that unabashedly displays its culture. Please check with your school regarding the possibility of earning credits. This miniature Paris is anything but tiny when it comes to possible program concentrations. If you’re ready to start your journey to the Provence region, browse the list of links below. Once you’ve found a program that interests you, follow the link to request more information – or even apply! Good luck finding a perfect study abroad program in Aix-en-Provence, today!