Full Degree Program in Ireland InformationA full degree program abroad in Ireland is perfect for the student who seeks a different college experience than one they might find at home. Extending your study abroad journey past they typical semester or academic year is likely to allow you the time to enjoy Ireland and what it has to offer. No experience needs to be rushed because you will be living in Ireland on a long-term basis.

Is Your Perfect Full Degree Program in Ireland?

Full degree programs have a few distinctive differences from a standard study abroad program. Most notably is the program length. Your entire college career could be spent overseas so that could mean there is some flexibility in course schedules and programs. Semester or yearlong study abroad programs generally offer specific courses to fit your desired degree. This is a big decision, so read on for more experiential benefits of a full degree program in Ireland. Maybe this is the perfect decision for your personal, educational and professional journey.

Land and Wildlife

Galway is a city on the western shores of Ireland. Because of Galway’s proximity to both the River Corrib, the Lough Corrib and Galway Bay, there is quite a bit of wildlife both marine and on land. The township itself is home to large wildlife and nature preserves just waiting to be explored and studied. Students who are interested in biology, environmental science and even zoology might greatly benefit from a full degree in Ireland.

A Sports Lover’s Dream

Ireland, much of the rest of Europe, is deeply passionate about sports that put American fan bases to shame. Mainly Gaelic Football, European Football and Hurling. It’s likely you’ve never heard of some of those sports before, but to put it simply Gaelic Football is more closely related to Rugby type play while Hurling is comparable to the sport of Lacrosse.[i] At a football match you are likely to witness some interesting superstitious traditions, team chants and fans head-to-toe in their team’s colors. Those who wish to immerse themselves in Irish culture should try to attend at least one of these sporting events. If you are interested in pursuing a possible career in sports but aren’t an athlete, you might want to look for a full degree program in Ireland that offer degree concentrations in sports medicine, psychology or statistics.

No More Writer’s Block

Ireland is and was home to some of the most influential English writers in history; Bram Stoker, Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett and James Joyce are just some of the long list of Irish playwrights, poets and novelists.[ii] Students pursuing a degree in English or Journalism might greatly enjoy the literary landscape of Ireland.

Emphasis on Education

Ireland invests almost 800 million euros in the research and development of its higher education each year.[iii] This means that Ireland can not only compete with the best countries in education, but they are also an educational leader for many career paths. Large corporate companies have noticed this emphasis, and many large corporate companies like Hewlett Packard, Facebook, Johnson and Johnson, Intel and Google have all set up satellite offices in Ireland.[iv]

Start Your Journey Abroad to Ireland

A full degree program in Ireland is perfect for the student who wishes to study and pursue a potential career abroad, and the perfect program for you could be just a click away on StudyAbroad.com. Searching for specific programs is a breeze. Select your desired degree level, city and specialty in the dropdown menus. Maybe this is where you will find the program that will change your life. Happy Searching!

Sources: [i] https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070921102049AAgZgC7 | [ii] educationinireland.com/en/Why-Study-in-Ireland-/Having-Fun/Arts-Culture.html | [iii] educationinireland.com/en/Why-Study-in-Ireland-/ | [iv] theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/05/ireland-attracts-soaring-level-of-us-investment