Located a couple hundred miles east of Paris, Besançon is the capital and principal city of the Franche-Comté region in eastern France. The Franche-Comté region is home to approximately one million residents and is conveniently located near Germany and borders Switzerland, allowing the region to soak up a lot of Swiss architecture, cuisine and culture; making for easy and exciting weekend travel for those studying abroad in Besançon.

When researching study abroad programs, an important factor for students is other students. Most young travelers want to share their experiences with other like-minded peers. Regardless of city or continent, the starting point for many students searching for their study abroad program is not only where and what they will be studying internationally, but who they will be studying with. Besançon is the perfect destination because of the number of universities and students in the area. The region is also known for its leaps and bounds in technology—specifically telecommunications and biotechnology.