Bangalore was virtually unknown by most Americans five years ago. It was one of those places referred to simply and dismissively as over there, and as a result, it was thought about little and visited even less, except by those with either specific business or family in the city. But all of that has changed, and now, it is one of the most recognizable cities in all of India. This is, of course, a rather fortuitous turn of events: Bangalore has always had a great deal to offer tourists, students, and businesspeople alike. And now that it is 'on the radar,' the full spectrum of its charms can be appreciated by more and more people.

'Bangalore is the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka. It is located on the Mysore Plateau in Southwestern Karnataka. With an estimated metropolitan population of 6.1 million, it is India's third largest city and fifth largest metropolitan area.' These days, it is most well-known for its role in the so-called Technological Revolution that is sweeping the Subcontinent: Few cities in the world are as important to the survival of so many major businesses and technology firms as Bangalore is. Some people have actually begun calling it the Silicon Valley of the East. And though there is much debate about the long-term economic effects of relying so heavily on a city like Bangalore for such important parts of our own American economy, the fact remains that this city in southern India has become a hub of international technology.