Whether you are fascinated by medieval times or enjoy the shiny and new, Brussels will seem personally built for you. It is divided into two main areas. Lower Town looks like a village taken straight out of the medieval times. Cobblestone streets act like veins leading to the major organs of the city. Ilôt Sacré is the city's heart. Arching, gothic and jaw-droppingly spectacular, Ilôt Sacré is an old commune now turned into a glorious tourist attraction for anyone with any passing interest in unforgettable architecture. Slightly south of the heart is the Cathédrale des Sts Michel & Gudule, a magnificent twin-towered cathedral that blends Romanesque, gothic and renaissance architecture in honor of Brussels's male and female patron saints.

Grand Place is a 12th century square that transports its visitors into the past. It has charming shops and marvelous restaurants serving Brussels's famous beers and delicacies. Originally the square housed jousting tournaments, public executions and town meetings. Now, with its row after row of shops and beautiful Hôtel de Ville gothic castle hotel, Grand Place is, according to LonelyPlanet.com, 'the hub of commercial, political and civic life in Brussels.' LonelyPlanet.com also says, 'The Grand Place radiates different auras depending on the time of day and season. In the morning, superb guildhouses at the bottom (southern) end glint in the sun; at dusk, the azure sky becomes a vivid backdrop to the illuminated buildings. During the summer a carpet of flowers covers the whole square, and in winter ice-skaters swirl across the transformed cobbled surface.'